History of The Persian Nation and its Relationship With Indonesia

Legacy of the Persian Empire (Photo Source: Wikipedia)

INDEPHEDIA.com - The name of the Persian nation has colored world history, even in Indonesia, during the ancient kingdoms.

In Indonesia itself, the name Persia is associated, among other things, with the arrival of traders and the spread of Islam.

Apart from trade and the spread of religion, it turns out that the Persian language and vocabulary also influenced some of the vocabulary in Indonesian.

Where are the Persians?

Persian or Farsi is one of the tribes belonging to the Iranian nation, uses the Persian language and also has similarities in culture with other Iranian nations.

This nation is a majority in Iran and a minority in several other countries, such as the United States, Kuwait, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and several countries in the Middle East.

History of the Persian Nation

Historically, ethnic Persians are descendants of the Aryans who emigrated from Central Asia to Iran in the second millennium BC (BC).

As development progressed, the Aryan nation split into two, namely the Persian nation and the Media nation. They assimilated into local tribes such as the Elamites.

From this assimilation emerged Persian and other Iranian languages. Persian is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world that still exists to this day.

This language belongs to the Indo-European language family and is the official language in Iran. The first written historical source regarding the Persians is from the Assyrian Inscriptions (834 BC).

In the inscription it is written about the Parsua (Persian) and Muddai (Median) people. At that time, Assyrians used the term 'Parsua' to refer to the tribes in Iran.

Later, the Greeks adapted this term to refer to civilizations from Iran.

When the Persians embraced Islam, the Persian region was ruled by several kingdoms in the form of an empire.

The Iranian Empire was a series of monarchies-dynasties centered in Persia/Iran from the Achaemenid Empire in the sixth century BC to the Qajar Dynasty in the 20th century AD.

These empires included the Persian empire, such as Achaemenid, Parthian, Sassanian, Buwaihidah and Samania.

The empires that once ruled Persia included the Seleucids, Umayyads, Abbasids, Seljuk Turks, Afshariyahs and Qajars. (*)

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