
Debus, Extreme Attractions from Banten

One of the debus attractions (Photo Source: Wikipedia/Dispar.bantenprov.go.id)

INDEPHEDIA.com - Debus is a martial art in Indonesia which is synonymous with the body's immunity to sharp objects and other things that can cause harm.

This tradition of martial arts performances with sadistic and extreme attractions is an original art of the Banten people which has developed since the 18th century AD.

Debus History

The art of debus began during the reign of Maulana Hasanuddin from Banten in the 16th century AD.

One source said that debus came from the Middle East and was brought by Al-Madad who was introduced to the Banten area as a way to spread Islam.

Another source states that the debus came from the Rifa'iyah Nuruddin al-Raniri congregation who entered Banten brought by the guards of Cut Nyak Dien (1848-1908).

During Ageng Tirtayasa from Banten (1651-1692), debus became a tool to pump up the fighting spirit of the Banten people against the Dutch colonialists at that time.

In its development, debus art, which not everyone can do, is now also combined with dance and sound.

Nowadays, debus as a martial art is often performed at cultural events or local traditional ceremonies.

Debus Attractions

As a martial art, debus attractions that are often performed include stabbing or slicing body parts with sharp weapons without injuring them.

Then, sprinkle the player's body with hard water until the clothes worn are destroyed but the player's skin remains intact.

Next, insert the wire needle into the tongue, cheek skin or other body part until it penetrates without bleeding.

Other debus attractions include climbing or sitting on a sharp machete and slicing body parts with a knife or machete.

There are also attractions of burning the body with fire, eating fire, rolling on broken glass or glass and others. (*)

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