Photo Source: | - Armenia, officially the Republic of Armenia, is a landlocked country located in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia.
In Armenian, this country is called Hayq, and then Hayastan, which means the land of the Haik people.
The addition of the term makes the name Haik part of the suffix '-stan' which in Persian means land.
The term Hayq is the name given to Armenia by other countries surrounding it.
Traditionally, the name has been derived from Armenak or Aram (descendants of Haik).
This name is taken from the strongest tribe that lived in the land of ancient Armenia and called themselves ‘’Armens’’.
According to ancient Armenian legend and tradition, Haik is a descendant of Prophet Noah, the ancestor of all Armenians.
Armenia is said to be the land where Prophet Noah Alaihissalam was sent by Allah to preach for hundreds of years. It is also believed to be the place where his ark sank.
Armenia's legendary Mount Ararat is believed to be the landing place of Noah's Ark after the great flood.
In addition, Armenia is said to be the first country to make Christianity its official religion.
Christianity became the official religion in the land of ancient Armenia which is traditionally believed to have occurred in the year 301.
Since then, Christianity has become the dominant religion practiced by the people of Armenia. (*)
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