The Period Glory and Fall Sriwijaya Kingdom - The Srivijaya Kingdom, which was founded in the 7th century AD on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, experienced a period of heyday and decline until it finally collapsed. One of the causes of the collapse of this maritime empire was due to war.

The Srivijaya Empire experienced its peak in the 9-10th century AD by controlling maritime trade routes in Southeast Asia.

During his time, Sriwijaya had controlled almost all the kingdoms in Southeast Asia, including Java, Sumatra, the Malay Peninsula, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and the Philippines.

Sriwijaya became the controller of the local trade routes which imposed customs duties on every ship that passed. This is because Sriwijaya became the ruler over the Sunda Strait and Malacca.

Apart from that, the Sriwijaya Kingdom also amassed its wealth from port services and trade warehouses serving the Chinese and Indian markets.

The Srivijaya Kingdom experienced a collapse when King Rajendra Chola, the ruler of the Cholamandala Kingdom attacked twice in 1007 and 1023 AD which succeeded in capturing the Sriwijaya city ports.

This war was caused by the Sriwijaya Kingdom and the Cholamandala Kingdom competing in trade and cruise ships. The aim of the Cholamandala Kingdom attack was not to colonize but to destroy the Sriwijaya fleet.

The war caused the economy of the Sriwijaya Kingdom to weaken. Because the traders who usually traded in the Sriwijaya Kingdom continued to decrease.

Not only that, Sriwijaya's military strength was also getting weaker so that many of its subordinate regions broke away. Finally, the Sriwijaya Kingdom collapsed in the 13th century AD. (US/IND)

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