Some Ways to Know WhatsApp Account Blocked - The easiest way to find out your WhatsApp (WA) account. You cannot contact the person who is blocking, there are several ways to confirm whether you are really blocked or not. The following signs are indications that certain contacts have blocked you.

1. Try With a Call

To ascertain whether you have been blocked on WhatsApp is to try with a call. Try calling the person through either Voice or Video calls. If the call rings, you have not been blocked.

Conversely, if all attempts to call the person do not show ring, it could mean three things: the user is not activating the cellphone, has no internet connection or you have been blocked.

2. Single Check

Usually, when a message has been successfully sent to the recipient on WhatsApp, "ticks" are an indication of the status of sending your message. If you send a text message to a contact and only have one check mark for a very long time, this means your message has been sent but the recipient did not receive it.

Any message sent to a contact that has blocked you will always show one check mark (sent message), and never show two check marks (message received) if you are blocked. However, this method can be wrong, because if your opponent does not activate the WA, the message will not enter even if we are not blocked.

3. Hidden Availability Status

If the user's availability status (for example the 'Online' or 'Last Visible' time mark) no longer appears in the chat window, it can also be an indication that you have been blocked. However, this method however is not an effective confirmation because the user might have changed the 'Last Viewed' setting in the Account Privacy menu.

4. Test With a Group

If you have tried all the methods above and you are not sure whether they are blocked or not, you should do a group test. This is the main confirmation. Create a group and try to add the suspected block to the group.

If the contact is successfully added to the group, then the user has not blocked you. If, on the other hand, WhatsApp displays the error message 'You are not authorized to add this contact' when you add a contact to the group, then of course, that person has blocked you.

5. Static Profile

If someone blocks you on WhatsApp, that person's profile will no longer be updated. If it's not blocked, it means that you see their new profile picture every time they upload it.

There are times when the person's profile photo is gone and all we can see is the WhatsApp display avatar. However, this method should not only be used to determine whether you have been blocked or not. This is possible and there is a possibility that the person's profile picture will not change because he does not (regularly) update it.

So, what about the blocking status? The answer, there is no way to unblock someone against you except that person who opened it. (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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