- Without us knowing it, WhatsApp Group often drains memory capacity, especially if friends members often send photos and videos. The number of photos and videos, in addition to making your mobile storage space so crowded crowded, also internet quota can be a victim.
Then, how to overcome it? Actually WhatsApp has provided an anticipation feature so that mobile memory is not monopolized by the content of this platform. The way is easy. You actually only need to disable the automatic download settings for pictures and videos in the WhatsApp group.
To disable the automatic download settings, the first step is to open WhatsApp on your Android or iPhone phone. Enter Settings by clicking on the three dot menu on Android, or navigating to the rightmost tab on the iPhone.
Next, tap the Chat button available in Settings. Here, you will see the Media Visibility option under the Chat settings on Android and Save to Camera Roll on iPhone.
Then, you have to turn off (click the off button) to stop WhatsApp from automatically saving photos and videos to mobile storage. By applying this step, the pictures and videos that you receive will not automatically be saved to the phone memory.
This is a solution that is safe enough so that the storage capacity is not too overburdened with content that doesn't really need to be on your Android phone or iPhone, which sometimes contents in the group content is just a lot of jokes rather than benefits. Is it right? Good luck! (SBB.IN/ENG/*)
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