Tourist Attractions in Indonesia Foreign Tourist Favorite Destinations


At least there are five regional tourist attractions in Indonesia, the number of visits is quite large, namely Raja Ampat Papua, Bali, Wakatobi Southeast Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Yogyakarta. - The Republic of Indonesia with a stretch of more than 17,000 islands is certainly a haven for travelers. Not only local tourists, the wealth of tourist attractions on the Equator Line is also their destination.

Want to know where are the areas included in the list of Indonesian tourist attractions that are a favorite of foreign tourists? INDEPHEDIA records that there are at least five tourist attractions in the region, with a large number of visits, namely Raja Ampat Papua, Bali, Wakatobi Southeast Sulawesi, Kalimantan and Yogyakarta.

In Raja Ampat, West Papua, tourists are spoiled for views of a small cluster of coral islands and beautiful panoramic views of the islands and coast. While Bali, an Indonesian tourist spot frequented by foreign tourists presents a complete tour. The beauty and culture of the people of the Island of the Gods have been famous to all corners of the world.

For tourists who love natural beauty, Wakatobi, in Southeast Sulawesi Province, is a destination that can bring pleasant marine experience. Whereas Kalimantan, the largest island in Indonesia has beautiful natural scenery, in the form of lakes, beaches to orangutan conservation in Tanjung Puting National Park, Central Kalimantan.

While Yogyakarta, foreign tourists not only visit historical places such as temples and museums, the culture of the people to culinary tourism, but this area also presents various beauties, such as the beaches in the south, Gunung Kidul and also the enchanting highlands. Intrigued by the five tourist attractions in Indonesia which are the favorite destinations of foreign tourists? Take the time to vacation there! (WS.IN/ENG/*)
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